Nelson English Usage

Digital resources for the Australian Curriculum

Cutscene script »

Use the cutscene script template to help students structure their cutscenes and retain information about scriptwriting conventions.

Crossword puzzle

The English language »

Make what can be a dry topic much more fun with this English language crossword, best completed in class.

Step away from your thesaurus »

This hilarious worksheet transports students to low-tech Aunt Ethel’s house to deal with a complaint letter gone very, very wrong.


Examining literature »

Prepare students for in-depth analysis in senior English with this template that can be used to deconstruct and evaluate texts.

Quiz Quiz

Poetry analysis »

Open a frank and relevant dialogue with your students about serious mental health issues using this senior poetry analysis quiz.


The Bulwer-Lytton Prize: Where 'WWW' means 'Wretched Writers Welcome' »

Imagine every cliché in the book. Imagine writing the next 'dark and stormy night'. Imagine that there's a contest to do just that.

Crossword puzzle

Punctuation »

Punctuation does its best to talk back to you in this distinctive crossword.


Adverbial clauses »

Adverbial clauses? Horrible! Terrible! But struggle no more. This quiz will help students to identify various types of adverbial clauses.

Write or die by Dr Wicked »

This Dr Wicked Write or Die argumentative exemplar is also a succinct classroom resource to warn students against using Wikipedia for assignments, by identifying factors that make it unreliable.

Teaching materials

Resume bootcamp 1: Writing a job advertisement »

Captivate your classroom with the innovative résumé bootcamp exercises. Who wouldn’t want to make video games for a living?

Sustainability crossword (Answers) »

These crossword answers define terms relevant to the Australian Curriculum’s cross-curriculum priority: sustainability.

Teaching materials