Use the cutscene script template to help students structure their cutscenes and retain information about scriptwriting conventions.
Template Crossword puzzle Make what can be a dry topic much more fun with this English language crossword, best completed in class.
This hilarious worksheet transports students to low-tech Aunt Ethel’s house to deal with a complaint letter gone very, very wrong.
Worksheet Template Prepare students for in-depth analysis in senior English with this template that can be used to deconstruct and evaluate texts.
Open a frank and relevant dialogue with your students about serious mental health issues using this senior poetry analysis quiz.
Imagine every cliché in the book. Imagine writing the next 'dark and stormy night'. Imagine that there's a contest to do just that.
Worksheet Crossword puzzle Punctuation does its best to talk back to you in this distinctive crossword.
Quiz Adverbial clauses? Horrible! Terrible! But struggle no more. This quiz will help students to identify various types of adverbial clauses.
This Dr Wicked Write or Die argumentative exemplar is also a succinct classroom resource to warn students against using Wikipedia for assignments, by identifying factors that make it unreliable.
Teaching materials Worksheet Captivate your classroom with the innovative résumé bootcamp exercises. Who wouldn’t want to make video games for a living?
These crossword answers define terms relevant to the Australian Curriculum’s cross-curriculum priority: sustainability.
Teaching materials